Saturday, 27 October 2012

First Post

Right, here we go.

A big blank page to go with my big blank Grey Knights army list.

This blog will track both my army and my progress at getting to grips with, and then (hopefuly) winning games of 6th Edition 40k.

So were to begin with a brand new army?


 I already had the codex lying around from when it  was released, I had the idea to use them to bolster my guard, but instead got a titan to give my guard a Little extra oomph.

After flicking through the codex (and getting very worried at the points cost of most things within) I came up with a few ideas I wanted to try.

With my guard I 9 times out of 10 take 2 Vendettas, I like them and think they look ace.  So naturally for my Grey Knights the first place I stopped off was at the Stormravenbird thingy.

RANT [Would it kill GW to use something other than Storm to name marine flyer's? Bird Raven Eagle Talon, Common I mean, if they can come up with a universe as awesome and diverse as 40k is (not including the pre-heresy stuff!) I expected more creativeness from the naming of a cool looking flier.  From now on whenever it gets mentioned in this blog it shall be referred to as the Storm Thingy]RANT OVER
Naturally I would want at least one of these as 6 termies jumping out of the front hitting something with six big sticks really appealed to me.  The weapons it has make it seem a flying fortress, I don't understand the idea behind a melta and assault cannons on the front, but lets try it out first and see.

A few messages to friends later and I found myself in the process of buying a slightly second hand Storm Thingy, complete with the Chapter House Studios body kit and turret mods!

Link to the kit

I think this kit is just awesome, it adds more mass to the flier and makes it look like it can hold 6 termies or 12 marines.

I get to collect that Storm Thingy next weekend, co-incidentally when I'm looking at having my first game of 40k with my Gray Knights, but we will have to see how that pans out.

Soon I hope to get some pictures up of the few Gray Knight models I already have, and start wondering about painting an army of Titans finest.