This page will charter my works in progress, side projects that come along whilst my Grey Knights and Imperial Guard armies grow and continue to win battles!
First off lets take a look at my work area:
As you can see its quite messy and full of stuff that destracts me every now and again. When a project gains suficent momentum paints and other models will get pushed aside and more room is made, or if the project warrents it, it might even be granted a place of glory on the shelf next to my titan!
When the time comes to paint I like to use my second desk:
This is my painting/computer desk, I find it far easier to paint when I have access to all my music and videos, at the moment theres just the turret for my storm thingy getting sorted.
Im thinking of tidying up a bit this weekend making some room and then starting my Grey Knights project officaly :)
I have at least 1 thing to paint for them at least.
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